Wednesday, August 17, 2011

At least it will be fun to watch.

If that Mayan calendar is all the time that’s left, that gives us one more Festichristmakwaanzukkah, the 4th of July and a national election before The End of Times. It should be good.

I’m, like, obsessed with politics – but it’s so horrible …

Now the 10 percent of evil whoevers on either side have polarized us all into Us and Them, the Progressives and the Conservatives, the libtards and the wingnuts, the hippies and the rednecks, the Jesus-freaks and the infidels – when in Truth the 80 percent of us in the middle are more or less all alike: proud Americans, kind and helpful, just damn tired from trying to get by and give our offspring a chance.

Check that sentence, Mister Thoreau. With a damn colon too; no semis for us.

Love that royal “we,” I think it was Rick Perry – “we stand by what we said.” As in, it was not I who accused the chairman of the federal reserve of treason.

Enjoy the holidays. The GOP primaries are going to be fascinating, will they really nominate a Teaperson? They wouldn’t, couldn’t … their strategists are the best that money can buy and they ain’t stupid, not one bit. Anyway, it’s GOOD T.V.

So presumably, whichever “side” loses the election will rise up and destroy the world. As for me, I intend to survive your stupid apocalypse. Livin’ on squirrels, deer and water and homebrew …